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Monday, May 20, 2013

Ban Mother's & Father's Day

because it hurts the feelings of some children.


Has this world lost it's collective mind?!

I'm not unsympathetic to the LGBT community (seemingly at the root of this movement) so don't go there with me.  I am, however, deeply sympathetic to the potentially hurt feelings of any child without one or both parents.

I was ten-days-old when my grandparents took me in.  I loved them deeply, called them Mom and Dad, and enjoyed being able to honor them on Mother's Day and Father's Day.  I do, however, remember how these two celebration days served to remind me that my parents, both then living but divorced, "didn't want me."  I've watched my adopted sons suffer the same sense of loss.  And I will watch my grandson, abandoned by his mother, go through this one day when he's old enough to start thinking about such things.  But I would absolutely never entertain the notion that these days should not be celebrated due to a sense of political correctness.  NEVER!

It should go without saying there is no cookie cutter for family units.  They are what they are and they're all different to some extent.  Yeah, I suppose I could "live with" Family Day as a substitution, but then what about all the kids around the world in foster homes.  What are we going to have to do to protect their feelings?  Get rid of even Family Day?  And, maybe next, will we have to revise the Commandment to honor our fathers and mothers?

I'm not against political correctness on general principal but I do wonder where it will end.  Maybe I'm too damned old to adapt -- old dogs, new tricks -- but I refuse to believe it's healthy to punish the majority in order to protect the minority.

[two cents down]

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