Transcript Excerpts
HUGHES: But really, but let me answer your question in short. Travis -- I want to make this as concise as I can. We had Travis come to our room one night just to talk to him about some of these things that you`re asking about that we had observed in Jodi and her behavior. And it`s a long list, a way longer than we have time for tonight.And Jodi was there, but she was downstairs in a different bedroom and sleeping. And we`re talking for a couple hours. And all of a sudden my wife, she`s got a sixth sense about things, and she says oh, my gosh. She`s out there. You know, she`s whispering this. And we`re all like looking at her, like, who, Jodi? And she said yes, she`s out there. She`s listening. And so, we`re all kind of freaked out and we change the subject for about 30 seconds.
And then, there`s a knock at the door and it`s Jodi. Now, this is (ph) in the late hours of the night. She`s supposed to be asleep in another bedroom. You know, she says, hey, is everything OK? And we`re like everything`s fine. Travis is like fine, I`ll come down to say goodnight a little bit later.
Well, then, we continue our conversation, maybe another 45 minutes to an hour goes by, and my wife gets this feeling again, and she goes she`s out there again. She`s listening. She`s whispering this, of course. And so, Travis jumps off the bed, jerks the door open, and there`s Jodi Arias with the most frightening, evil, I mean, I`ve never seen anything like it before or since, and I`ve seen a lot of things in my 40 years, nothing like what we saw that night.
And we knew -- it was just a feeling that we had that downloaded everything into our minds what this woman was capable of. We knew it in that moment. And as a matter of fact, we told Travis, you go downstairs and you handle that. We`re going to bed. We were so freaked out. And we laid there in bed, my wife and I wondering, like, are our children safe?
You know? Like do we need to go get our kids? How did we get to this place in our life where someone like this is in our house? We saw it. We felt it. We knew it then.
PINSKY: Welcome back. I`m with my co-host, Jenny Hutt, and our panel and Chris Hughes. Chris was Travis` best friend. His wife, Skye, will join us tomorrow. Chris, first, set the record straight -- well, before we set the record straight on that e-mail issue that LaViolette was mentioning, I want to read you a Twitter here.
It is from Mama Bear Jones. She says, "That story from Chris Hughes was mesmerizing and scary. Jodi is a dangerous, pathological person." My understanding, Chris, is your wife had some interesting nickname for her as well, is that correct?
HUGHES: Yes. She -- after that night, the next day, Skye kicked her out of our house, you know, went down in stairs and just said, look, you`re out. We don`t want you ever to come back. We don`t want to have anything to do with you. And from that day forward, she`s called her, you know, Peyton, from "Hand that Rocks the Cradle" --
HUTT: Yes.
HUGHES: Yes. And those are her nicknames from that day forward.
PINSKY: How long was that before she actually killed Travis?
HUGHES: That was April 2007. April-ish. It was around April 2007. So, it was a full year later that she killed Travis.
PINSKY: Now, set the record straight on that e-mail. Go.
HUGHES: Well, I`ll tell you this. I love that Ms. LaViolette did all the speaking for Chris and Skye Hughes. It`s just totally bogus, you know? And I`m so glad that I have this opportunity to set the record straight. Here`s the truth of the matter.
Jodi comes to our house unannounced, unannounced and is whining and complaining about Travis and, you know, lying about Travis and all of these things and we`re saying look, move on. If you`re not getting what you want, get out, you know?
PINSKY: Please move on, yes.
HUGHES: Yes. Move on. I mean, but she`s telling us, oh, I had a vision. I had a vision.
PINSKY: Oh, boy.
HUGHES: And I`m supposed to marry Travis.
PINSKY: Oh, boy.
HUGHES: Oh, yes. Yes. And she just couldn`t let it go. And we`re like, look, he`s not committing to you. Move on, you know? And then, my wife says to her --
PINSKY: Chris?
PINSKY: Yes. I just want to interrupt you. I know Cheryl has got a question for you. We have such limited time with you. And again, I appreciate you being here. And Cheryl, that kind of vision and the secret and magical thinking is something that has bothered us about her from the beginning.
CHERYL ARUTT, PSY.D., @DRCHERYLARUTT: That`s right, Dr. Drew. That is so scary. Chris, I just want to say, I`m so sorry for the loss of your friend. And when you were -- when you heard the defense make so much of this e-mail that you and were your wife wrote to really try to, it seems kind of handle Jodi, to get Jodi to maybe stay away from your friend, what was that like for you to hear it misused in that way to kind of framed as - - to try to to look like an abuser?
HUGHES: It was outrageous, you know? And if the truth be told, if we could get those e-mails and read them, I retracted in that e-mail feed, I retracted the word abusive, because I said, you know what? That`s over the top. You know, we would say rough around the edges. He was the T-dog. That`s what we called him, you know?
And I -- it`s just crazy that they were able to take this one little sentence out of a long string of sentences, several e-mails back and forth and manipulate my words. And you know, we didn`t get called in to talk about that. You know, anyway, it`s just --
PINSKY: I`m sorry to interrupt. I`ve got to make another break. I cannot let you go. Please, stay here. Jenny, you have got questions, and Mark, you`ve got questions. I`ve got another question about the way Travis being painted as a bad Mormon. We got a lot of stuff. Please don`t go. I`ll be right back with Chris.
[Full Program Transcript]