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** Update 8 June 2013 **
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Monday, April 22, 2013

Arias: What's With the Remote?

I stumbled onto an interesting video of court testimony posted on YouTube related to a remote control titled, Jodi Arias Pre-Meditation Smoking Gun AKA "Remote Control".  While I wouldn't go so far as claiming this as evidence of premeditation, it certainly presents an interesting point of view which never occurred to me.

Darryl Brewer and Jodi Arias were questioned on the stand about a remote control.  Jodi arrived at Darryl's house around 7am on June 3rd.  She left but returned around 10am to bring him his DVD remote control.  Why was that important?  Is there any relation between the burglary at Jodi's grandparents home days before and Jodi's failure to return the gas cans to Darryl?  The whole line of questioning seemed silly and irrelevant at the time.  But this YouTube video posted by "fastedu1" presents an !AHA! hypothesis on the potential importance of that remote.

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