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** Update 8 June 2013 **
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Arias: Negotiating a Plea?

Let's not forget Travis Alexander was brutally murdered five years ago today by a monster named Jodi Arias.  For many, myself included, this has been a day of somber remembrance.  But leave it to Arias to snap us all back by grabbing our attention.

Today, we learn Arias tweeted something like, "I will be sorry for the rest of my life..."  Yeah, she WILL be sorry but she's not yet, not unless and until she feels the needle stick.  She really thought her little t-shirt presentation was going to spare her but, so far, it hasn't.  Now she's getting desperate, I guess.

Tonight, I sit here listening to HLN speculate on rumors that Jodi Arias is negotiating a plea deal.  I'm not at all convinced there's any truth to this rumor, but the mere thought of her getting only twenty-five years has me steaming from both ears.  Some days ago, the Maricopa County Prosecutor stated publicly he would have a moral and ethical obligation to consider any plea deal brought to him by the Defense.  I hope to God that's just political posturing and not a hint he may be weak in the knees.  I seriously doubt Juan Martinez and/or the Alexander Family would feel any such obligation, but the ultimate decision to accept a plea would not be theirs to make.

Now we hear Nurmi has released a press statement:
"If the diagnosis made by the State's psychologist is correct, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office is seeking to impose the death penalty upon a mentally ill woman who has no prior criminal history."-- quoted tonight on Dr. Drew

Good Lord in Heaven!  Does this have anything to do with either of the two new filings yesterday in Maricopa County Superior Court?  We know Arizona has denied a motion to remove the death penalty from the case, so this may well be the Hail Mary play we've been expecting.

[Off to pound my head with a brick.]


  1. Please do not give her a Plea !

  2. Maria Cristina SantanaJune 6, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    I'm sure she's negotiating a plea deal. If you've seen the document she filed with the court prior to trial outlining why the prosecution should have agreed to 2nd degree manslaughter to avoid trial, you know she has cojones. The document quotes a letter Jodi sent to the prosecutor when she was acting as her own lawyer saying the trial will jeopardize the standing of many in the Mormon church and many things will come out that will damage their reputations. It was extortion. But that's what some call "negotiating." I'm sure they're now sending similar demands to Juan Martinez outlining all the ways not agreeing to life WITH POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE is in the best interest of the state. This is to be expected. The defense would not be doing their job if they were not desperately trying to negotiate a deal. The terms Jodi demands, however, I'm sure will be the reason we don't see a deal.

    1. Maria, was that the motion in which JA offered the plea to M2, or a later doc? I thought the letter was written with Nurmi's signature. It was absolutely extortion.

      I have a question about sentencing. Why does AZ still give a LWPP25 if parole is no longer an option for those having been found guilty of M1? Parole was eliminated 19 years ago. I've read that if JA is given LWPP25 she could only be released if the Gov signs off on her release after 25 years have passed.

      Is the LWPP25 sentence still available so that AZ Governors have the option of giving release after 25 years?

    2. Maria Cristina SantanaJune 7, 2013 at 8:01 PM

      Lisa, its that same motion signed by Nurmi. I don't remember exactly, but its technically not a motion but a statement for a pretrial settlement conference where he was setting out the defense position. In it he quotes a letter written by Jodi while she was representing herself that she sent to Juan Martinez. It's that quote from her letter that lays out all the damage the trial would do to many people and to Travis who would be shown to be a sexual deviant. Nurmi takes what Jodi said and expands on it.

      I'm in the dark about Arizona law on sentencing and parole.

    3. Thank you, Maria! That pre-trial statement was disturbing. I was shocked that any lawyer would want to submit such a thing.

  3. Agreed, Nurmi and Willmott have to do their jobs. If they don't we'll be hearing about ineffective assistance of counsel for many years to come. While I found much of their work on behalf of Arias offensive (i.e. having to defend her lies with a straight face), I think they did everything they could for (a) a difficult client with (b) an even more difficult defense. I do hope you're right, that no plea deal of any kind will be accepted. But then I'm holding out hope that, if a second jury hangs, Judge Stephens will sentence Arias to LWOP... an ending I can live with if that's the best we can get.

  4. Willmott made a long comment to reporters yesterday saying that it was up to the MCDA to offer a plea deal. Interestingly, they were responding to the MCDA when he said that the defense hadn't approached the office and that the MCDA office would consider a plea if asked by the defense.

    More game playing by the defense.

    JA wants to go back to trial. She's in her cell 23x7 and trial gives her something to do. It's pathetic weird to think that someone would gum up the legal system because they are bored, but this is JA.

    I'm so glad that I found you wonderful ladies! I'm not able to post on Dr.K's blog. I'm not sure why, but I've so enjoyed conversing with you both!

    1. Ai yi yi, you be making my head hurt from all the headspins.

      I was very happy to recently discover Dr. K's blog. What an awesome group of intelligent people I found over there. Here, I've been mostly alone, blowing off steam so as not to overcook myself with this whole Arias saga. LOL

      P.S. Dr. K's blog is fully moderated and I've noticed there can be a bit of a lag between comment submission and approval. Hang in there. Unless you've gone and said something that got you banned, you should be fine.

    2. You need a bike helmet to protect your poor head! JA isn't worth brain damage!

      Well, still no posts.

      Perhaps Dr. KR suspects I'm one of the psychologists that have been attacking her on another site (I mentioned my profession in one of my last posts). I am absolutely not, and when I stumbled across the other psychologist's site yesterday, found it to be misogynistic and disturbing. I thought I had an excellent track record on the site and absolutely did not violate any of the rules. I waste plenty of time with my Arias addiction without game playing.

      Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.

      I'm glad to have found you both here. The discourse at Dr. KR's was and is excellent and I would like to keep discussing the case with the folks I met there.

      I'll stay on topic now!

      Thanks again!

    3. Maria Cristina SantanaJune 7, 2013 at 8:03 PM

      I wondered where you had gone Lisa. Wonder why you're not getting through over there. Come back!

    4. Thank you, Maria. I would if I could! I tried posting today, 6/8, and still no go. I think I've been mistakenly banned. I did disagree with Dr.KR's analysis on JA Supporters. Because she is writing a book on the case, I shared info that, IMO, she needed to consider about alternative psychological explanations for their nutbaggery. I thought I was being helpful; I guess I was not. I think this is why I may have been confused with the babel blog psychologist. (I didn't know of that blog(or blogger) until someone linked to it at Dr.KR's blog the same day I commented.)
      I certainly wish her the best and enjoy continuing to read her blog. Both of you have continued to write very thought-provoking comments which I've enjoyed tremendously!

    5. Email her Lisa and tell her. She's got an email address on her blog. Don't let yourself be banned by an error. I don't like participating on a blog where someone could be banned like that for no good reason. I disagree with some of her analysis at times too. That's what comments are for.

  5. @Lisa K

    I came late to Dr. KR's blog so I'm clueless to whatever drama is going on over there, aside for what you've said here. It's a shame that anyone would be unfairly caught up in it but that kind of thing happens. I've seen it before elsewhere. Here's hoping things get straightened out and you can come back to the discussion table.
