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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Open Letter to Alyce LaViolette

Dear Alyce,

I'm impressed by your knowledge, understanding and compassion for victims of domestic abuse.  But I wish to God you hadn't decided to testify on behalf of Jodi Arias.  You've been deceived in the most heinous way (as I'm sure you're slowly coming to realize).

Jodi's friends and acquaintances describe her as follows:
  • Psychopath
  • Sociopath
  • Pathological Liar
  • Bi-Polar
  • Stalker
  • Narcissist
  • Selfish 
  • User
  • Soul-less
  • Eerie, Creepy, Pure Evil
And yet you've seen "no evidence" of any of this because it was withheld from you by the Defense team.  You weren't shown the mountain of evidence of premeditation in the murder of her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander.  Conversely, the only evidence you were "shown" of Travis's alleged physical abuse was Jodi's word for it... because... THERE IS NO OTHER EVIDENCE.

Okay. Travis was a shameless two-timing flirt and lied about being a virgin.  In spite of that, the evidence shows he was well-loved and respected by virtually everyone who knew him, including Jodi Arias.  But Jodi's love and respect came with a high price... 29 stab wounds, a bullet to the head and a slashed throat.  And, as if that wasn't bad enough, she wadded up his brutalized body into his shower stall and drove off into the sunset for a romantic rendezvous with her next potential victim.

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that Jodi is a serial rapist whose crimes were made way too easy by men who enjoyed the sex too much to turn her away.  I just hope this jury puts an end to her spree.  But I don't know.  After the acquittal of Casey Anthony -- who also alleged physical, sexual and emotional abuse -- I've lost a lot of faith in our judicial system.  We shall see if Jodi's jury can see through her infamous (and bogus) fog.

Best wishes, Alyce.  I hope your involvement in this case doesn't have any lasting effect on your career as I believe you have much to offer to persons who are genuinely victims of abuse.

A Survivor

P.S.  When Juan Martinez asks you a simple, straightforward yes/no question such as, "Is Travis Alexander a man?" could you please just answer it?  Your insistence on sparring with him on Every Single Point makes you appear rather foolish.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Alyce. When you look in your bathroom mirror do you see a brutal man-hating lesbian feminist bigot staring back at you? I think not because even Hitler who hated the Jews, the KKK who hated the blacks, thought their hateful ideology was justified also.
